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23rd June, 13.00-15-30 BMSG Assembly Meeting, EHA, IFEMA, meeting room S14
Balkan Myeloma Study Group (BMSG)
Balkan Myeloma Study Group (BMSG), as an independent association consists of experts who deal with diagnostics, treatment, research and education in the field of multiple myeloma and associated plasma cell disorders. The work of BMSG is based on a unique diagnostic and therapeutic principles and is a reflection of the exchange of professional experiences and intensive cooperation of participating haematological centres in Balkan countries.Since its founding on 25th February 2017, BMSG is expanding intensive cooperation with similar national and international associations to exchange knowledge, experience, personnel and scientific achievements
The BMSG will pursue the following objectives:
- Promote experience, technology and innovation through the exchange of knowledge between scientists and scholars, between the members of the BMSG
- Favour collaboration, including joint research and development projects, between scientists, scholars, and non-profit, for-profit and governmental organizations in the members of the BMSG
- Promote the flow of scientists and scholars between the members of the BMSG
- Design and performance of clinical trials according to the law of each member country
- Promote, provide information about, and administer fellowships for the exchange of scientists and scholars
- Identify significant research opportunities - with specific regard to European Union Framework Programmes - for individuals, organizations, institutions, academia and high-tech industry, and stimulate their development
- Provide advice about the capabilities and merits of individuals and organizations – non-profit, for-profit, and governmental –for scientists, scholars, and entrepreneurs from the member states of the BMSG
- Advocate the improvement of scientific and scholarly activity and organizations within the members of the BMSG
- Promote and coordinate the activities of other organizations and associations that link scientists, scholars and professionals in the members of the BMSG
BMSG constituent bodies are the General Assembly and Steering Committee, which consists of eminent experts in the field of multiple myeloma and associated disorders of plasmacytoid lineage from different haematological centres in Balkan countries.
Membership in the BMSG is voluntary and it is acquired by fulfilment of necessary conditions with written statement of accession. Members of the BMSG are specialists in dealing with the diagnosis and therapy of multiple myeloma and associated plasma cell dyscrasias. Furthermore, BMSG membership includes selected individuals from other professions that deal with basic, pharmacological or other research in the field of multiple myeloma and related plasma cell disorders.
Expecting your support for the initiative of forming a unified haematological network in research in the field of multiple myeloma and associated plasma cell disorders, Best regards on behalf of the Balkan Myeloma Study Group.
Prof.dr Meletios A.Dimopoulos
President of the BMSG